Collective Intellectualities

5 Henry Giroux - Pedagogy, Power, and Moral Witnessing in Dangerous Times

Alex Means and Amy Sojot Season 1 Episode 5

An internationally renowned writer and cultural critic, Henry Giroux currently holds the McMaster University Chair for Scholarship in the Public Interest in the English and Cultural Studies Department and is the Paulo Freire Distinguished Scholar in Critical Pedagogy. He has authored or co-authored over 67 books, written several hundred scholarly articles, delivered more than 250 public lectures, been a regular contributor to print, television, and radio news media outlets, and is one of the most cited Canadian academics working in any area of Humanities research. His latest book is Race, Politics, and Pandemic Pedagogy: Education in a Time of Crisis out on Bloomsbury Publishing. 

Visit his website at and check out the link to Race, Politics, and Pandemic Pedagogy below:

Race, Politics, and Pandemic Pedagogy: Education in a Time of Crisis (2021). Bloomsbury Publishing