Collective Intellectualities

3 Tyson Lewis - Anti-Fascist Education

Alex Means and Amy Sojot Season 1 Episode 3

Tyson E. Lewis is a professor of art education in the College of Visual Arts and Design at the University of North Texas. His research interests include educational philosophy, critical theory, phenomenological research methods, and aesthetics. He is the author of Education Out of Bounds: Rethinking Imagination in a Posthuman Age (2010), The Aesthetics of Education: Theatre, Curiosity, and Politics in the Work of Jacques Rancière and Paulo Freire (2012), On Study: Giorgio Agamben and Educational Potentiality (2013), Inoperative Learning: A Radical Rewriting of Educational Potentialities (2017), and Walter Benjamin’s Anti-Fascist Education: From Riddles to Radio (2020). 

Links to Tyson’s Work:

Studio-D Project. 

Lewis T. and Kraehe, A. (2020). Rise: Emergent Strategies for Reclaiming Joy and Agency Against Neofascist and White Supremacist Assaultive Speech. Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education. Volume 37. 

Lewis, T. (2020). Walter Benjamin’s Anti-Fascist Education: From Riddles to Radio. New York: SUNY Press. 

Lewis, T. (2017). Inoperative Learning: A Radical Rewriting of Educational Potentialities. New York: Routledge.

Lewis T. and Valk, S. (2020). Educational realism: Defining Exopedagogy as the Choreography of Swarm Intelligence. Educational Philosophy and Theory.