Collective Intellectualities
Collective Intellectualities
2 Nicole Nguyen - Security, Geopolitics, and Education
Nicole Nguyen, an Associate Professor of Social Foundations of Education at the University of Illinois-Chicago, joins us this episode to talk about security, geopolitics, and education. Through ethnography, her research critically examines national security issues, war, and militarization in US schools. She has two books out both on University of Minesota press: A Curriculum of Fear: Homeland security in US public schools, which received the 2017 Globe Book Award from the American Association of Geographers, and most recently, her 2019 book, Suspect communities: Anti-Muslim racism and the domestic war on terror.
Links to Nicole Nguyen’s books:
A Curriculum of Fear: Homeland Security in US Public Schools. (2016). University of Minnesota Press.
Suspect Communities: Anti-Muslim Racism and the Domestic War on Terror. (2019). University of Minnesota Press.